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Amazing How To Draw A River With Colored Pencils of all time Check it out now

Written by San Lord Jan 05, 2023 · 5 min read
Amazing How To Draw A River With Colored Pencils of all time Check it out now

River landscape

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If you’ve ever wanted to draw a river with colored pencils but didn’t know where to start, you’re in the right place. Drawing a river may seem like a daunting task, but with the right techniques, anyone can create a masterpiece. In this blog post, we’ll go over how to draw a river with colored pencils step-by-step, so you’ll be able to create stunning artwork.

Have you ever struggled with drawing water or creating texture with colored pencils? These are common pain points when it comes to drawing a river. But fear not! With the right techniques, you’ll be able to overcome these challenges and create a beautiful scene.

The first step in drawing a river is to choose your color palette. You’ll want to choose a variety of blue and green shades, as well as brown and gray tones for the rocks and shore. Begin by lightly sketching the outline of the river with a graphite pencil. Then, using a light blue colored pencil, color in the river, being mindful of the direction of the current.

Next, add shading to the river to create depth and texture. Use dark blue and green shades to create shadows where the water is deeper, and lighter shades to simulate areas where the water is shallow. Use white to create highlights on the surface of the water.

In the final step, add details to the surrounding landscape, such as rocks and trees. Use a variety of shades to create texture and depth. Blend the colors together with a blending tool or your finger to create a seamless transition between the water and the shore.

How to Create Realistic Texture in Your River Drawing

To make your river drawing look more realistic, try adding texture to the water. One way to do this is by using a white gel pen to create ripples on the surface of the water. You can also use a fine-tipped colored pencil to create lines that simulate the movement of the water.

Another way to create texture is by using the “scribbling” technique. Simply lay down a base layer of color, and then use a sharp pencil to create small, overlapping circles on top of the base layer. This will create a textured effect that simulates the movement of the water.

How to Add Depth to Your River Drawing

A great way to add depth to your river drawing is by using darker shades to create shadows. This will create the illusion of depth and make your drawing look more dimensional. You can also use lighter shades to create highlights, which will add contrast and make your drawing pop.

To create shadows, determine where the light source is coming from and shade the areas that would naturally be darker. To create highlights, use a white colored pencil to add small accents where the light hits the water.

Choosing the Right Paper for Your Colored Pencil Drawing

The type of paper you use can make a big difference in the outcome of your river drawing. It’s important to choose a paper that has a bit of tooth, or texture, to it. This will allow the colored pencil to adhere to the paper better and create a smoother surface.

Another thing to consider is the weight of the paper. Thicker paper will be able to handle more layers of color and will be less likely to tear or crumple. Look for paper that is at least 80lb or higher for best results.

Tips for Blending Colored Pencils

Blending is an important technique when it comes to creating a smooth and realistic drawing. There are a few different ways to blend colored pencils:

- Use a blending tool, such as a blending stump or tortillon, to blend the colors together

- Use a white colored pencil to blend the colors together

- Use your finger to blend the colors together (although this can be messy and may not yield the best results)

Experiment with different blending techniques to find the one that works best for you.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I use watercolor pencils to draw a river?

A: Yes, watercolor pencils are a great option for creating a watercolor effect. Simply use a wet brush to blend the colors together and create a more fluid look.

Q: How do I create reflections on the surface of the water?

A: To create reflections, start by shading the surface of the water with a light blue colored pencil. Then, use a white gel pen to create small dots or lines to simulate the reflections of the surrounding landscape.

Q: How can I make my rocks look more realistic?

A: Use a variety of browns and grays to add shading and texture to the rocks. Blend the colors together to create a seamless transition between the rocks and the shore.

Q: Can I draw a river without a reference photo?

A: While it’s helpful to have a reference photo, you can also use your imagination to create a river drawing from scratch.


Drawing a river with colored pencils may seem intimidating, but with the right techniques, anyone can create a beautiful piece of artwork. Remember to choose the right paper, color palette, and blending techniques to achieve the desired effect. Don’t be afraid to experiment and have fun with your drawing!

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